Contact Me


Hi there and welcome to Danny Paints Studios! My name’s Danny (you might have guessed), and I’m an award-winning professional miniature painter and content creator based out of Melbourne, Australia. I’ve been painting miniatures my entire life, and have been painting professionally since 2019.

I excel at collaborating with clients to realise their ideas and colour schemes on their miniatures, and am known for consistently painting to a high standard across large forces (sometimes consisting of hundreds of miniatures), as well as to an excellent display standard for single pieces and squads. I have received many awards for my work over the years, most notably first place in the coolest army category and second place in judges choice at CanCon 2019, the biggest miniature wargaming event in the southern hemisphere.

You can get an insight into my methods and minis on my YouTube channel, Instagram, Twitter, and also here in the gallery on this website. Don’t hesitate contact me about your dream commission!